Thursday, June 30, 2011

The 30th....

It's been raining cats&dogs all day long. The sun's nowhere to be found.

Then sometime during the morning, something about the weather made me think of how I've been feeling lately...(with all the bruhahaha that I encountered for what seem to be a month-long event for me).

With the recollection of how I used to behave and react to things that crosses my badly wanting them to be part my life... yet time and again heaven seem to say "no"... I made a realization that I seem to be pushing myself to someone who never seem to be that much interested at all. Though at back of my mind, I can't simply let the person go... but it seem like I don't have much of a choice but to do so. But honestly, in my heart, I'm praying this rejection for now will turn out for good somewhere along the way.

And I'm still hoping that the uncomfortableness and reservations will somehow be replaced with trust and openness toward me. A super long shot to the moon it may sound.... but as the saying goes "nothing is impossible under the sun"..."nothing is impossible with wholehearted prayer" ...and "nothing is constant but change" I hold on to the belief that this will come to pass in this lifetime.

With this prayers and hopes within my heart and in my pockets.... I'll be waiting....patiently.


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